>>> Studying the Spanish language and culture


After several meetings with the heads of FIDE, DLC Group began an ambitious project that will seek to promote two areas related to the study in Spain. The first module of the project is related to the study the Spanish language among young Chinese. This module promoted by the University of Castilla la Mancha, is to develop its third edition for the academic year 2013-2014, includes a 2 year program in which students will be integrated into the study of Spanish culture and later specialize in the global marketplace, Spanish and European. The classes will be at the wonderful campus of Toledo, located in this historic city and close to Madrid, where students enjoy a privileged position for good communication and its picturesque environment.


The second module of this project, it's directly related to the professional culinary field study. It also imparted in Toledo, and in collaboration with the Toledo school of chefs, this course seeks to promote Spanish culture and gastronomy in working life cooking, creative development and calling on the creation with materials indigenous from Spain. For this program looks in a short period of time, will show the assistants, the art of Spanish creation, and its development, showing for this tasting techniques of oils, water, wine… as well as visiting providers ingredients from the Iberian cuisine.



Very excited about these two modules of the project. We hope that those attending and involved in the organization enjoy and deepen their existing knowledge and to come and learn a little Spanish culture.